Hold Infinity in the Palm of Your Hand
Adria Sartore Solo Exhibition
NO.202, 2nd Floor, Sea World Culture & Arts Center, Shenzhen
万一空间正在展出意大利艺术家阿德莉娅·桑托莉(Adria Sartore)的个展「在你的手心里掌握无限」。此次展览展出了阿德莉娅·桑托莉近年创作的微型油画作品与一众以掌心为尺度的古代文房及各类小中见大的掌玩器物,共同在方寸之间生发灵性激荡。展览将持续到2023年1月14日。
Photo credit: Yuexi Guo
1969年生于意大利热那亚,1990年至1997年先后毕业于布蕾亚艺术学院、热那亚大学与巴黎索邦大学,拥有美学哲学博士学位。2004年她的作品被选入英国肖像大赛奖(BP Portrait Award),并被邀请参展于伦敦国家肖像画廊展。在学生时代,阿德莉娅潜心探究哲学艺术并获得美学学位,在此期间接触到了大量希腊戏剧历史和希腊神话。这些都是美丽的、具有生命力的、不可思议的、神秘而传奇的故事,它们在艺术史上作为经典图像范式为艺术家提供了无数灵感,且不断被探讨和解读着。意大利的传统文化积淀、神话故事和古典艺术都是阿德莉娅基因中的养分,而她又尤其钟情于以手掌大小的尺幅来呈现自己生活及视觉记忆中的情感。通过使用传统的木板油画这一介质, 艺术家以小见大地构建了一幕幕别开生面的新“神话”场景,是一种图形式探索与象征观念的综合。艺术家还从过去的大师们那里得到了很多启发,如彼得·保罗·鲁本斯、耶罗尼米斯·博斯、奥拉齐奥·真蒂莱斯基、弗朗索瓦·布歇、蓬托莫和德门尼克·威涅齐亚诺等。她善用角色和符号,并以第三人称的方式改变原作中人与物之间的关系,好似闯入被过度神圣化的故事中,使之呈现出一种戏谑、诙谐之感。美魅与怪诞,歌颂与厌恶,这些充满矛盾的情绪始终贯穿作品,呈现两极之间的强烈张力,这也是艺术家致力探索和不断追求的意义。
Born in Genoa, Italy in 1969.Graduated from the Brea Academy of Arts, the University of Genoa and the Sorbonne University in Paris, with a doctorate in aesthetics and philosophy,from 1990 to 1997.In 2004, her work was selected for the BP Portrait Award and was invited to exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery in London.When she was a student, Adria devoted herself to studying philosophy and art and obtained a degree in aesthetics. During this period, she was exposed to a lot of Greek drama history and Greek mythology. These are beautiful, vital, inconceivable, mysterious and legendary stories. As classic image paradigms in art history, they have provided artists with countless inspirations and are constantly being discussed and interpreted.Italy's traditional cultural heritage, fairy tales and classical art are all nutrients in Adria's genes, and she is especially fond of presenting the emotions in her life and visual memory in a palm-sized scale. By using the medium of traditional oil painting on wood, the artist constructs a series of new "mythical" scenes with a small view, which is a synthesis of graphic exploration and symbolic concepts. The artist also drew much inspiration from past masters such as Peter Paul Rubens, Hieronymus Bosch, Orazio Gentileschi, François Boucher, Ponto Mo and Demenico Veneziano et al. She makes good use of characters and symbols, and uses a third-person perspective to change the relationship between people and objects in the original work, as if breaking into an over-sacred story, making it present a sense of humor and humor. Beauty and grotesque, praise and disgust, these contradictory emotions run through the works, presenting a strong tension between the two poles, which is also the meaning that the artist is committed to exploring and pursuing.
万一空间是由三位90后艺术从业者在深圳创立的艺术空间。其诞生于疫情席卷全球的2020年,在后疫情时代涌现对艺术与生命的全新思考。空间致力于消解当代与古代的边界,融合美学研究逻辑下的现当代与古代艺术,构建一个不同国家、时期和形式的艺术在同一语境下共容的场域。W.ONE SPACE is an art gallery founded in Shenzhen by three Generation Y art practitioners. It was established in 2020 during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. New perspectives on art and life have emerged in this post-pandemic era. W.ONE SPACE aims to melt the boundaries between present, future and the past by mixing contemporary and ancient art under the logic of aesthetic research, thus bringing together arts of different countries, different periods and different forms to interact and express in unity as ONE.